Murrieta Partnership Dispute Lawyer

Murrieta Partnership Dispute Lawyer

Murrieta Partnership Dispute Attorney

If you are a partner in business, then you are probably aware of the potential for disputes that can occur. While it is common to have disagreements between business partners, it can eventually cause major issues if not dealt with properly. If you are in this position, a Murrieta partnership dispute lawyer from Lockhart Law Firm may be able to help you.

You may be able to come to an agreement outside of court with mediation or negotiation, but sometimes, the dispute is too difficult to navigate without assistance. In this case, the business partners may need the assistance of a business attorney or lawyer.

Lockhart Law Firm is focused on helping you succeed in your business. Our goal is to achieve a desirable outcome and protect your company and your partner(s). With knowledgeable legal counsel, we strive for compliance with state and federal employment laws and provide intelligent and innovative legal services.

Murrieta Partnership Dispute Lawyer

What a Partnership Dispute Lawyer Can Do for You

This type of lawyer may assist you with many tasks that come with starting a business. They can help you file documents, register your intellectual property, and assist you in naming the business. They may also help create a partnership agreement detailing instructions on management to hopefully avoid any disputes in the future, potentially also avoiding litigation. Whatever you are facing, it is their goal to quickly resolve an issue, protecting the clients’ interests.

When To Hire a Dispute Resolution Lawyer

Resorting to dispute resolution methods when there is a business dispute can prove to save time and money without having to follow formal legal procedures. Oftentimes, a mediator is part of the process of working through a business dispute. The two parties meet together in a neutral environment, along with the mediator, in the hopes of coming to an agreeable solution. Hiring a business attorney gives the individuals the benefit of being involved in the resolution process.

There are many other reasons to hire a business litigation lawyer. Below are several reasons why you may need one:

When There Is a Breach of Contract

A business partnership is commonly made up of one or more contracts between the two parties. These contracts can include agreements made on these specific things:

  • Agreements about the partnership
  • Agreements on how to carry out operations
  • Agreements on employment
  • Noncompete agreements
  • Nondisclosure agreements

If a contract has been breached, then you may need to seek legal representation. Taking legal action may persuade the partner to comply with the contract agreement or pay for any losses incurred by their breach.

Misuse of Partnership Assets

Unfortunately, partners will sometimes steal assets and funds from the business for their own personal use. For example, a company credit card is used to pay personal bills rather than for business transactions. Business equipment may be used or products taken without permission for their own personal use. Not only does this mean a loss of profits, but it can also prevent you from delivering products promised to your clients.

You cannot have a successful business if your partner is stealing from you. An asset lawyer can help you protect yourself, explore your options, and reach a solution.

Poor Conduct

A partner may choose to conduct himself or herself outside of work by committing a crime, fraud, or filing for bankruptcy. These poor choices can affect the integrity of your business. If your partner’s actions make you concerned that they could be affecting your business, seek legal representation as soon as possible.

Facing Partnership Disputes

When forming a partnership in Murrieta, CA, it is ideal if all parties involved are in agreement with management practices. Yet, just as in many relationships, there will most likely come a time when the two disagree. While many business disputes can be resolved simply by going back to the terms stated within the partnership agreement, if you don’t have one previously created, then it may be much more difficult to reach a resolution.

Before entering a business formation, consider consulting with a business attorney to help you create an agreement that will act as a guide to resolve disagreements when they arise.

Dissolving a Partnership

In certain cases, it isn’t in the interest of the company to continue the partnership. This may be a result of a dispute between them or wrongdoing committed against the other. Perhaps the need for a business formation is no longer necessary, and the company becomes managed solely by only one person.

Of course, there are also instances when a partner passes away, decides to retire, change careers, or move to another location. Whatever the cause of the dissolution, an attorney will help to end the partnership and equally divide assets and liabilities.

If Court Involvement Is Necessary

In certain cases, it is not possible to avoid litigation, and a court trial is necessary. When this happens, a dispute lawyer is essential in helping you walk through the process while looking for any risks associated with the litigation. It is their goal to reach a settlement as soon as possible in the hopes of saving you money and time, all while representing your legal case.

A litigation lawyer handles all administrative tasks, while dispute resolution lawyers keep you updated on your case. Having your case handled by experienced lawyers will not only calm any anxiety that you have but also help you achieve a positive outcome.

Consulting an Asset Attorney in Murrieta

If you are undergoing a partnership dispute, it is essential to have a partnership dispute lawyer on your side to help you walk through the complicated processes of the law.

As a business owner or entrepreneur involved in a dispute in the Murrieta area, it is in your interest to contact us at Lockhart Law Firm for a consultation. Our team has vast experience successfully representing clients in similar cases, and we can apply that knowledge to your unique case. We are here to help you succeed in your business partnership by providing legal guidance and representation every step of the way.

How we can help Murrieta Practice Areas

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  • 41856 Ivy St, Suite 201
    Murrieta, CA 92562
  • Call Us Now (951) 461-8878
  • Fax
    (951) 823-5715

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. You should not act or fail to act based on the information on this website. The content contains general information only, and may not reflect recent changes to the law. All cases differ – please contact an attorney in your area to get legal advice as it pertains to your situation.

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